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I’ve recently launched my latest project,

MondoNotes is a task manager (as in, to-do list) and note-taker, but works differently from most task managers. At its core, MondoNotes is nothing more than a syntax-highlighter, changing colors based on whether you’re marking something as “todo” or “done,” or “information.” This is simple, but allows much more detailed projects and is far more intuitive than any task manager that I’ve used before. The syntax highlighting really helps to scan through the existing notes.

I’ve used this method for several years and slowly developed different features, but, until recently, I had only used a vim syntax file. MondoNotes is more accessible to non-Vim users, and has the advantage of being “in the cloud”, so I don’t have to worry about syncing files or downloading anything.

A video introducing Mondonotes can also be found here.

If you’re reading this, I hope you’re interested enough to give it a try. To say that this methodology has saved my skin and made projects much easier to manage would be an understatement. Thanks for reading!